Same Day ACH Network Limit Increased from $100,000 to $1,000,000

Same Day ACH Network

On March 31st, 2021, the Nacha Voting Membership approved an amendment to their rules governing the ACH system, called the Nacha Operating Rules. Many of our clients and partners have been waiting for and anticipating this change.

What is Nacha? What are the Nacha Operating Rules?

Nacha is a governing body that creates rules and regulations for the Automated Clearing House Network (ACH). They ensure that companies, banks, and other entities are following best practices when it comes to transferring money quickly and securely. In 2020 alone, they moved roughly $62 trillion between consumers, businesses, and banks. This includes everything from payroll, insurance payments, business-to-business transactions, tax payments, health insurance savings accounts, and more. Nacha also has the ability to link to any bank or credit union in the United States, making it even easier to move money quickly and wherever you need it.

The Nacha Operating Rules are one example of how they regulate ACH transactions in the private sector. They are constantly being updated to reflect innovations in the industry, new guidelines, and changing needs in the marketplace.

What does the amendment say?

The amendment, which takes effective March 18th, 2022, increases the Same Day ACH limit from $100,000 per transaction to $1,000,000 per transaction. This amendment will apply to all eligible Same Day ACH transactions for businesses and consumers.

According to Nacha CEO and President Jane Larimer, “Nacha has made a significant enhancement to Same Day ACH every year since it was introduced in 2016…This enhancement reflects our commitment to see that the modern ACH Network meets the nation’s needs for fast and efficient payments.”

What does this mean for ACHWorks?

ACHWorks will be able to help its customers and partners migrate their large payments away from more expensive money-transferring options. Starting in 2022, ACHWorks will be able to use the Same Day ACH limits to make processing large payments faster and less costly.

ACHWorks wants to acknowledge Nacha’s modernization efforts, and their increasing the Same Day ACH limit is a big step toward improving the system nationwide.